The Janus Key
"We did not create so much without a means to catalog it all."
WELCOME to The Janus Key PROJECT. A website dedicated to helping Halo fans identify and complete their Mega Brand Halo action figures, sets, vehicles and accessories.
As a new Mega Halo collector I would often eagerly buy large lots of older figurers and sets only to become frustrated when I could not identify a figure or match weapons to figures or figures to sets. When I reached out on social media for help, more often than not my questions lead to big debates. And the older the figure, the bigger the debate.
So my next good idea was go to Mega's website. As a marketing tool their site passes with flying colors. As a resource guide to their ever growing HALO collection, it is an EPIC fail! Many figurers are incorrectly identified or completely missing from the site. There is no reference to Blind Bag Series 3, there is no reference to the 2020 Clash of the Ring blind bag series, there is no reference to any of the buildable figures, convention exclusive figures or the surprise mystery figures that were part of the early blind bags series. I could go on but I think you get the point.
So my solution to the problem was simple; "Build your own reference guide." So after much thought and planning, here you have it. The Janus Key Project a fan's guide to the Mega Brands Halo Universe.
My goal is to post new content on Tuesday and Saturday. Please look around and give me your feedback. If you see something that needs correcting please let me know.

Director: Janus Key Projest

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