General Information:
The Series 8 Single Operator Lift Apparatus (Series 8 SOLA), more commonly known as the portable jump-jet, jump-jet pack, or simply jetpack, is a user-operated jet engine mounted on the back, manufactured by Lethbridge Industrial and employed by members within the United Nations Space Command.
Concepts & In-game variants:
Pictures 1-3 are concept are for Jetpack in Halo Reach
Picture 4 is Spartan Thom-239 using a jet pack in "Remember Reach"
Picture 5 is an in-game render of an inactive jetpack. (Note that the two side thrusters are retracted.)
Picture 6 shows the propulsion arms extended.
Picture 7 shows a Spartan utilizing a jet pack in game.
Picture 8 depicts ODST Bullfrogs utilizing the jetpack.
Pictures in gallery and information above is courtesy of Halopedia.
Known Mega variations: S O L A Jetpack
Version 1 |
Version 1:
Height: .75(in) / 1.905(cm)
Width at widest point: 1.3125(in) / 3.3338(cm)
Version 1.0 (Gray)

Item #
Chassis: AM18215MM
Propulsion arms: AM18659MM
Description: The Jetpack and all its pieces are molded with a gray plastic containing silver flake.
This version of the Jetpack was released with the following sets: