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D. Watson Jr.

Updated: Jan 12, 2024

Farewell to the Mega Fan Gallery

In 2014 Mega Bloks launched what would be come the Community Share portion of their website. This was a section for fans of all the Mega properties to share pictures of their MOCs, builds, dioramas, and collections with other fans around the world. This safe space for fans of all ages grew a community of collectors both in size and closeness.

This was the place we could dare to dream and be inspired by the child that put a few bricks together and said "TA DAAAA!! Look what I build" or by legends in the building community like GoodwillHunting and Brickman 117.

It was a place where ALL collectors came together. It didn't matter if you were fan of Barbie, Call of Duty, Marvel, TMNT, Star Trek, Aliens, Pokémon, Hot Wheels, 'Creed, Destiny, Smurfs, World of Warcraft, Halo MOTU or any of the many franchises Mega made characters for, we where ONE MEGA Community. (Wow!!!! it wasn't until now I realized wow many different properties Mega has had. And this is not a complete list by no means)

By 2020 the site was starting to suffer from fans over using the site in ways it was not meant to be used and when COVID-19 hit I think the staff lost some of its ability to monitor and control the site. But to their credit, I think they made a gallant effort to recover the site by increasing the amount of info disseminated via the site and reinstituting "staff pick." But the damage had been done, and so finally on July 5, 2023, Yan_MCX told us to make our final submissions and say our final goodbyes to the fan gallery. (see the following article)


By Yan_MCX Jul 05, 2023

The MEGA fan community’s passion is the fuel that powers everything we do. For close to a decade, you have demonstrated this passion by sharing with us over 50,000 projects to this gallery. From custom builds and figures to comic strips, stop motion videos and stunning photography, we never cease to be amazed by your creativity.

As we position our brand for growth and focus on developing innovative building experiences, new shopping destinations, and new ways to interact with our fans, we’ve had to make difficult choices about which platforms to prioritize.

In the upcoming days, we will be permanently closing submissions to the MEGA Unboxed fan gallery. The content you have submitted will continue to be displayed until (at least) the end of the year, but you won’t be able to add new projects or comment on old ones.

We invite you to follow us on social media and to keep an eye on our page on Mattel Creations, where we will continue to share news and host activations like our fan votes.

Thank you for everything you’ve shared with us over the years.


I am hoping Mega will bring the Fan Gallery back in some new and improved way. If not. I enjoyed it while it lasted.


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