After an eight year hiatus from Halo, The Flood is back!

It is a “glorious time” to be a Halo Flood fan. There is a lot of positive energy in the Halo community right now and its mostly centered around the return of the Flood to the Mega toy line after a long eight-year hiatus. YES!!!! It has been EIGHT YEARS since we had a major Flood set.
2011: Mega Bloks debuts the Flood as part of their toy line in the Halo Anniversary Edition: Floodgate
2012: Mega treated us to the Flood Siege and the Flood Pod: Elite Combat Form
2013: Mega released Flood Hunters UNSC Falcon, Flood Hunters Battle Unit and the Flood Pod which seems to be a re-release of the 2012 Flood Pod: Elite Combat Form.
2014: Mega releases The Flood Invasion. Sadly, this would be the last major flood set released by mega. But they went out with a bang. The set included 2 marines, 2 Tank Forms, 2 Combat forms a Flood Carrier Form and 10 infection form.
2015: Flood Infected Cyclops was the only flood set of the year.
2016: The Alpha Flood was released as a Rare in the Delta Blind Bag series.
2019: Kinsano’s Cyclops Raid introduced a new mold and texture for the Flood Infection form. YUCK!!!!!
2020: Flood Infection Form was a Rare in the Clash on the Ring Blind Bag series. The good thing was we got five Flood forms per bag. *Not sure if this was a 2019 or 2020 set.
FYI: mega has never released a flood figure with new articulation.
But after eight long years hope came in the form of a vote. In March 2022, During Halo Day, Mega announced their second fan vote. This time the fans would vote on a set to be released in 2023. The nominees were: 1 UNSC Cougar, 2 Banished Reaver 3 Traxus Tower Flood and 4 Warden's Challenge. After only three days of voting the flood was victorious by a land slide.

The Results are in...
1st Place: Traxus Tower Flood - 53% - 6,608 Votes
2nd Place: Warden's Challenge - 18% - 2,232 Votes
3rd Place: - UNSC Cougar - 17% - 2,166 Votes
4th Place: Banished Reaver - 12% - 1,563 Votes
Now after only four months, Mega has teamed up with Simon from the Domain to reveal prototypes of all the figures to be released with the Traxus Tower Flood set including the first new articulation flood figure ever.
March 5, 2022: During a virtual event, the Mega Contrux design team announces the nominees for the second fan vote event.
March 8, 2022: Voting closes for the 2022 Fan Vote and the Traxus Tower Flood wins by a land slide.
March 11, 2022: Brick man 117 releases his version of the Traxus Tower Flood. It is amazing how close his MOC is to the actual finished design.
June 22, 2022: Mega confirms the fan favorite forklift will be part of the Traxus Tower Flood and reveals prototype pictures.
July 6, 2022: Mega releases preview pictures of the Traxus Tower Flood.
July 28, 2022: The Domain and Mega team up and release preview pics of the figures included with the Traxus Tower Flood. Click here to watch the revile Thursday July 28, 2022, at 3pm est.
Fall 2023: The Traxus Tower Flood is scheduled to be released in Fall 2023.
The wait is almost over. The Flood is coming and “resistance is futile,” you will be consumed.