Name: Spartan II
Original Release Date: 2009
Figure ID#: Unknown
2009 | 99036 (Unnamed promotional give-a-way)
2009 | 96870 BLIND BAG SERIES 1
Under Armor: Clear
Outer Armor: Clear
Gloves: Clear
Visor: Clear
Body Type: Spartan
Mold: This is the original mold for Spartan II in Mark IV armor. This mold was also released in: Active Camo, Blue, Cyan, Green, Pink, Red, Steel, Yellow, White.
The A/C Spartan II was originally released in 2009 with the "oversized" shoot gun as part of a promotional give away from Mega Bloks to promote their new Halo toy line.
This figure was an Ultra Rear in Blind Bag Series 1. Known codes for the figure are: A10060MM, A10070MM, A10080MM, A09120MM.
For the record: This is a Spartan II in Mark IV armor.
The picture below is of the Active Camo Spartan II as it appeared in the 2009 online promotional give-a-way from Mega. This version of the figure was issued with an active camo shotgun (the original oversized version) and a green camouflaged 2x4 block for a display stand. Mega only released 100 of this set during the give-a-way and the display stand indicated which if the 100 the owner had.

The gallery below is the Active Camo Spartan II as it appeared in the 2010 Blind Bag Series 1 with assault rifle. The figure also had a clear 2x4 block to be used as a stand for the figure.